Que falta de respeto a nosotros los Dominicanos. As a Dominican woman who is intelligent and hard working I resent that type of comment. Many people on the net have said that the joke is being taken too seriously, but I would have to disagree. Dominicans are one of the most succesful groups in the recent waves of immigration to the US. It's a shame to see that such public figures like Regis and Kelly had such bad taste in the choice of their comments nadamas para tener un skit de 30 segundo para ser reir su publico. If I'm not mistaken, a Dominican received a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
Escriban a ellos vallan a la pagina de el canal busquen Regis & Kelly y luego busquen contactenos y dejenle saber a ellos estamos ofendidos. From what I've read, Dominican and Latino leaders are demanding an apology from the show, and will stage a protest outside the ABC studios on October 31st in NYC where the show airs.