Saturday, December 8, 2012

MTV moves on up to The Heights

One of MTV's new shows for 2013 is Washington Heights, a show about a group of born-and-bred New Yorkers trying to make it while still honoring their parents' struggle and cultural origins, and living in the highest point of Manhattan.

The internet is buzzing with mixed feelings about the show from Wash Heights natives and Hispanics alike. Many fear it will be like Jersey Shore (although the trailer gives more of a Laguna Beach feel than Jersey Shore) and not represent Washington Heights the way it should be, as a culturally rich neighborhood with a growing amount of educated, artistic, driven and grounded individuals.

I must admit, when I first heard about the show a couple of months ago I wasn't sure if I should be excited, nervous or just roll my eyes. I'll reserve my comments until after the first episode. I hope to be pleasantly surprised, but I'm not holding my breath.

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