Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Busy in the city.....

Well, summer is officially here and I'm trying to keep busy this summer. I'm going to try to continuously share interesting events, in New York City, that I find and want to go to myself. If you know of any great events please feel free to share with the rest!

EVENT: Jeremy Fish
DATE: Exhibit through July 26th
ORGANIZATION: Joshua Liner Gallery
LOCATION: 548 West 28th street, suite 334

EVENT: Superheroes: Fashion & Fantasy
DATE: Now - September 1, 2008
ORGANIZATION: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
LOCATION: 1000 Fifth Avenue
INFO: 212-570-3951 or

EVENT: Campaigning for President: New York and the American Election
DATE: June 24 - Election Day
ORGANIZATION: Museum of the City of New York
LOCATION: 1220 Fifth Avenue
INFO: 212-534-1672 or

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